Words From Founder and Co-Founder

Umesh Shrestha, Founder

Bidya Limbu, Co-Founder

Welcome to LACM!

Little Angels’ today is a sprawling institution, not just in terms of its student body and infrastructure but also regarding the high bar it has set through which academia today is judged today in Nepal. The genesis of these achievements weren’t as grand though, in fact it was rather modest. However, it started with a ambitious dream, and strong values that aspired to cater to the needs of the country’s future.

Starting out of a small building, in 1981 LA had but a few students filling up its classes from the kindergarten to its class one level. The ideologies and dreams though were always as grand, focusing on not just academic growth but also overall development of the students in various fronts such as sports, music and the arts. The concept was of a learning center and the dream is as alive and functioning today.

Years down the line, those aspirations have given rise to the largest private academic institution in Nepal, helping develop minds that are prepared to take on the challenges that will lead Nepal into a brighter future. The lion’s share of the credit goes to the faculty at LA, the best of the best who work with the students to help them achieve their personal bests. The combined efforts of our students and faculty have given us the confidence to grow into our own university – another high goal that LA is set to achieve.

To those students who have joined LA and those who are planning to, the LA family is geared to make you work hard and play hard to be the best you can be.

Come grow with us, be a part of Nepal’s shining future.